John Philip Sage

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Gran Tapiz

Gran Tapiz is a research project in collaboration with Carmen Seijas and Manuel Gómez Domínguez which operated as a triple line of investigation on the intersection between spirituality and graphic culture. The project is approached through syncretism of the joint aesthetic and conceptual dissonances of the authors, and through reappropriation of existing systems (eneagram, tarot, numerology, horoscope). The project took place in two residencies, in Balmaceda Arte Joven in Santiago de Chile and in Fabra i Coats, Barcelona. The authors also took a trip to Atacama where the carried out a series of poetic acts that lead to a landscape visual essay.

The project follows a methodology rooted in fictional anthropology in order to explore the creation of an imaginary, a cosmovision that reflects the whole of the human psyche divided in three. The wound, the knot and the shadow represent such division: the three types human intelligence of Sufism: emotional (wounds), mental (knots) and instinctive (shadows).